Saturday, January 31, 2009

NKOTB updates

As previously mentioned in my first NKOTB related post, a cruise is happening in May. Unfortunately, financial status and the economy falling down the crapper forced me to make some observations before purchasing the tickets (please see below).

First, let's analyze the NKOTB cruise pricing:
1. Cheapest per person room rate: about $700-$750

2. Roundtrip airfair from ORD or MDW to Miami: about $350-$450

3. Alcohol on trip: Unable to estimate at this time

4. Gratuities for alcohol: Based on the value of #3

5. Stupid memoriabilia purchases: Based on the consumption of #3

Estimated total: Too much than I was willing to spend!!!!

Observations and reasons why NOT to buy tickets:
1. Pay for new laptop
2. Pay for car insurance
3. Pay for May trip with Annie to visit Lindsay in South Carolina
4. Road trip in March with Brianne to visit Denise in Houston
5. Credit card bills
6. Put money in savings for my house (to be purchased before 30)
7. Tickets to see Spamalot with Chip & tickets to Chicago for Brianne's birthday

And as I sat angry and depressed at not being able to afford this NKOTB cruise which was expected to change my life...I found out some devistating news--NKOTB planned additional tour dates that didn't come close to the Chicagoland area.

But my dreams were put back together again on Wednesday as my best friend, Brianne, discovered a brand new stop in Champaign, IL for NKOTB on Sunday, April 5, 2009. WHAT? Our dreams have been realized...ever since this evening...

...we have been DYING to go see them again in concert. If we can't do it by air or sea, by damn, we'll do it by car.

Problems that happened today on our quest to the April 5th show:

a. LiveNation (being the sponsor of this date) had tickets available today. Ticketmaster had tickets available on Saturday, February 7th. Hhhmm....???

As a resolution to this problem, I called my friend, Jennifer, who works at LiveNation in L.A. She didn't pick up. DAMN! So, I sent her a text begging her to help us so we wouldn't end up ticketless. She called back...2 1/2 hours later. That's when the other problem happened...

b. The April 5th concert isn't showing as verified on their company intranet site of shows. WHAT??????

As a resolution to this, Jennifer called her coworker for me but told me to follow Ticketmaster as they work with the LiveNation ticketing and promotion teams to update the most accurate information.

c. Waiting for Saturday, February 7th.

As a resolution we have created the proactive steps below.

Our next moves are to:
  • Patiently wait another 7 days to purchase tickets
  • Observe all 3 websites (LivenNation, Ticketmaster & the UofI Assembly Hall site) for info
  • Figure out the stage configuration to effectively purchase the proper section
  • Make signs for this show (as we were lame and had NO signs last time)
  • Find matching slap bracelets and bedazzle a group fanny pack
  • Get an early-90's perm 2 weeks before the concert to allow the necessary adjustment
  • Choreograph an insanely unique dance to our favorite songs
  • Write love letters and send via the fan mail address...oh wait, 26 year olds don't do that?

"Taken" must be the best thriller in 2009!

Got back from seeing Taken with my buddy, Elizabeth. It's now 10:29pm CST and I am not in the mood to go out after seeing this movie! Seriously...TMI, but...I'm still pitting. This movie was like a good cardio workout for the better part of 60 minutes of the movie. Instead of doing stairs or running, I'm going to buy this movie, watch it on repeat and hope the popcorn and chocolate don't add any extra weight.

Liam Neeson is sexy, and I don't care if he's my dad's age (or close to it). He kicked some major apples in the movie and proved himself to be quite the action hero. Move over Matt Damon and your Bourne trilogy...and entre vouz Mr. Neeson.

I hope that this movie does well in the box office because Lizzy & her cousin hadn't even seen previews for it before we went tonight. On the other hand, I had seen the trailer as well as Neeson's interview on The View. It mixes a real global issue of human trafficing, mixes in the thriller aspect and international drama. PERFECTO!

I will never say "good luck" the same way again...if you see the movie, you'll understand. I would recommend this for a theater visit, not just a Netflix rental.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Travel itinerary includes a departure from Ronald Reagan International Airport

Just got back into Chicagoland after a 6-day tour around part of the U.S. A business trip began the trip with a flight into Baltimore airport on Wednesday morning via Southwest. In no sense of the phrase would I consider myself a travel snob. I absolutely love flying Southwest out of Midway. And quite honestly, I feel sorry for Midway airport. It’s the red headed stepchild of airports in Chicago…it’s in a weird area, people like the largeness that is O’Hare…anyway, I’m getting sidetracked.

As I was leaving our business meeting on Friday, I flew out of D.C. to arrive in my final destination of the weekend, the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Can I just say that being a HUGE supporter of our 44th President, Barack Obama? I was excited to be in the airport and get some inaugural goodies for friends, family and myself. I’ve never been to D.C. (A fact that my mother regrets. D.C. never being a family vaca destination). My driver circled a forest and went over hills, pulling toward the D.C. city limits. The picture of the city overwhelmed me. The Potomac River ran next to us as a guide leading to the grandeur of the city—Arlington National Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial and finally, Washington Monument nestled next to the memorial.

And so ended my scenic tour of D.C. Yes, that was all. I had enough time after my last meeting to get the ride to the airport, check-in, grab a pretzel and head over to my gate. However, along the way, I meandered next to the trinket shops to get the previously mentioned purchases regarding the inauguration. All in all, I didn’t do too badly. Only $125, and that included:
Bobble head Pres. Obama, an Obama bar, magnet and mints for my apartment sitter and her mother, a t-shirt for my friend I was visiting in Minne and a mug for her mother (who LOVES Pres. Obama), postcards and magnets for my friends in TX, a magnet for my British friend who wishes she could have voted, Obama mints for my brother, a magnet & pin for my mom & dad, and an inauguration t-shirt for myself. I don’t have buyer’s remorse at all. I sort of wished I had gotten more.

When my mom and I were talking whilst I sat waiting for our boarding time and looking at my President Obama menagerie, I told my Mom that my next travel destination WILL be D.C. I need to visit my nation’s capital. How could I, as someone who feels they are traveled and worldy not have visited D.C.??? I’m insane. However, I was lucky enough to be in the area to feel some of the excitement and see the smiles and amazement that was the election and inauguration of our 44th President. GOBAMA.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So, as many young girls....and by young girls, I mean the mid 20's to mid 30's...may have seen today, New Kids on the Block is heading to the high seas for a 3-day cruise!,,20251844,00.html

This news may make most men gag or laugh, but I can assure you that this cruise is going to be amazing. It will be full of NKOTB live entertainment, serving up some good times by the pool, old chicks screaming and throwing their training bras at the stage. Moreso, men, you can have the house to yourself while your girl's away! But that doesn't mean strippers are allowed across the threshold.

I recall last Spring when NKOTB started making appearances on various shows, such as Good Morning America...rumors spread quickly about a reunion tour! However, no confirmation was made. Thousands of woman went onto and signed up for the e-newsletter in hopes we would hear the glorious confirmation that they would be getting back together. And then the blessed day came...

Words cannot express the excitement my friends and I felt when we got the e-newsletter teasing us to go online and check the upcoming news from the guys! We scampered to our laptops and typed N-K-O-T-B-.-C-O-M into Internet Explorer. *insert angels singing here* Our hotties were reuniting for a tour with about 15 city stops. Chicago happened to be one, but tickets were only up for presale to AmEx card members. Being that none of us had an AmEx card, we reverted to a total tweenager move. "Mom, can I charge tickets to your credit card? I promise we'll pay you back by the end of the month so you don't get charged intrest."

Thankfully, my friend's mom allowed us to use her card. And we got some amazing seats before the damn concert sold out in like 40 minutes!

Then, it was prep time. Jennifer fished out her NKOTB t-shirt circa 1993. AND she was still able to wear it. That thing had to have been a nightgown on her. We found old pictures, diary entries, slap bracelets, etc. Memorabilia that we just couldn't part with. I think subconsciously we knew this day would come.

*Dirty Dancing? Dont' mind if I do!

The time between purchasing the tickets and the date of the concert was filled with their new CD, burning CD's of their old music, loading our iPod's with everything NKOTB we could. I swear I must have stalked their website looking at all the videos that they posted.
Chicago was the 3rd loudest concert on the tour. I'd like to think that my hoarse voice at the end of the evening made a difference. And I can tell you I was partially deaf that evening. There was nothing better than experiencing the concert with my 2 best friends! It was good to be little again. Thank you Bacon for getting the tickets!

I am fully prepared to get made fun of by my other friends who are not NKOTB lovers. I did it before and I'll do it again. It's all for the love of the music, right? I can rest easy knowing I'm not the only one hoping to plan their entire vacation in May around this opportunity! Or maybe I am?

Since this announcement happened today, the website has been down and no further information has been posted. I feel like I'm going all CNN on this breaking news. Ok, no more talking or thinking about this. It's getting a little too consuming and ridunkulous.

Subconscious fantasy as I'm trying to wean myself off of thinking about the cruise: I hope to get all Gilligan's Island on this cruise...mmmmm...stranded w/ NKOTB on a dessert island....with their sculpted bodies & me in my bikini! GROSS...note to self, go to the gym.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ode to the Chicagoan driver in snow

Auf wiedersehen to the first full work week in January 2009. I thank you for going by quickly and (for the most part) painlessly. Last night, as my friend and I were done working on our fitness, we were walking in the frigid cold back to our cars. Realizing I had 1 full day left in the week, I thought "Damn am I lucky this week flew by. Friday's going to be a cinch!"

And then I got home and turned on the news...and saw the weather forecast...of 3-6 inches...with fog...and ice...and of course, idiot drivers of Illinois. Now don't jump off the handle! I'm one of those idiot drivers of Illinois. However, I take pride in the fact that I know when to slow down the choo choo when the weather is shiteous outside.

Did you know that today's snowfall marks the 21st measurable snowfall Chicagoland has seen this winter? JUST this's amazing. What further amazes me is our inability to not drive like idiots in this. You would think after all these years, we'd learn.

There's always that person in the SUV or truck. You know the one. Thinking because they have 4WD they can plow along, going 50 while everyone is at 25 or 30, spitting the nasty slush on your car and breaking too late/too close to the car in front of them.

And so begins my first blog, Ode to the Chicagoan driver in snow:

*Ode to you Mr. Infiniti FX 35, license plate number G11 9933*

I think it's hot how your SUV can plow through the slush and the falling snow as you continue to rush upon the traffic ahead of you. Your total disregard of the other cars break lights is a huge turn-on. Do you see the break lights ahead lit up like a Christmas tree? Yeah, that means they're A) breaking or B) stopped.

I realize that Mr. Lexus in front of me got into the left lane as you were approaching us, but please know Mr. Lexus had plenty of room to get in front of you without making you have to slam on your breaks. As I, too, got into the left lane behind you, the distance between us became greater and greater as you refused to slow down or reduce your speed. Or perhaps, you just weren't paying attention to everyone else around being at a much more reasonable speed.

As Mr. Lexus mad his way back into the middle lane, I thought it quite chivalrous, Mr. Infiniti FX 35, how you sped up along side him to flip him the bird. I appreciate the fact that you stopped your car (in the middle of traffic with us having the green light) along side Mr. Lexus to continue yelling at him through your passenger window and his. I wonder if he heard you.

Furthermore, I found it quite endearing when, as we finally approached the red light and stopped to wait our turn for the next green, you put your car into park, got out of your car, went up to Mr. Lexus' drivers window, demanded he roll down his window, yelled at him, calling him a bizzy & kitty cat (insert the profanities with those clues) and told him to get out of the car if he had something to say to you.

How lucky your wife must be. To see you get that angered over road rage that you would actually uproot yourself from your car in this kind of weather! Such a strong man...

Do you NOT see that there is traffic behind you? Or that there's snow? Or that the green light might be coming? And I'll be damned if I miss another green light because you're trying to prove how big of a man you are as you curse Mr. Lexus out through the 3 inch crack he created as he rolled down his window.