Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shoes: Addiction or Random Accumulation?

As I am packing for my move over Memorial Day weekend, I was afraid to even begin to tackle my closet. It seems overwhelming and scary. However, I was a brave girl and decided to take the easiest objects to pack first. Those objects were the shoe boxes stuffed in the back of my closet.

In college, I really started to develop a love-hate relationship with shoes. I loved to have them but hated that I wasted money on them. So as my college career went on, I started graduating into a regular aficionado of the stilleto.

And for the past 4 years of my working career, I have accumulated a lot of shoes. The packing tonight rendered 4 boxes of shoes, which doesn't include boots. I got rid of 4 pairs that were just worn to the stitches and 2 pairs that I hardly wore and will donate. Still, it's an insane amount of shoes!!!

I know I am not the only girl with this problem. And I admitted a long time ago that I am addicted to shopping. While I have calmed down my addiction, my closet is still a realization that I have been a bad, bad girl.

Lesson Learned

Today was a day filled with an important lesson...

Making PB & chocolate no-bake cookies for your co-workers should be done the morning OF instead of the night BEFORE the day you want to take them into the office. Next time, I will measure everything out the evening before, wake up early to make them and let them set while getting ready.

Currently, there are only 10 left. We'll see about the morning.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mommy's Day, celebration of birth

My friends who know me and how I feel about children know that I probably won't be a mother any time soon...if at all. As many of my friends/family tell me, it is hypocritical to despise small children/babies considering I used to be one. Blah blah blah...you can't tell me that parents don't wish they could give their kids away every now and then, especially when they're acting like a-holes.

What I do appreciate is my family, especially my mom for birthing me from her loins. I came back home tonight to spend this weekend with my family. My mom, dad and I were sitting around watching "Baby's Mama" and comically reliving the birth of my older brother and me.

First thing to know about my older brother is that he was almost a month LATE. He wouldn't come out. Lazy bastard was stubborn as a mule from his zygote stage. But when he decided to grace the family with his presence, he was out in 45 minutes. My brother was born on June 11, 1981, and my mom's birthday is December 11th. So, there is some number connection in the cosmos with them. My brother was the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. He was like a rolly-polly teddy bear baby.

I, on the other hand, was NOT the cute baby. I came out kinda weird lookin' (and some would argue that the stage is not over yet). I was 2 days early, because I believe to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and if you're late, don't show up. My mom was telling me tonight that she didn't really feel any pain when her water broke and she felt fine until she got into the hospital. But, like my brother, mine was a quick birth--1 hour baby! I was born on April 15, 1983...and my dad is CFO/CPA. Take THAT for karma! But my dad, speaking as a CPA, believes I am the best tax break he & my mom ever got, and I don't disagree.

Growing up, my brother and I had BLEACH blond hairs. Yeah, have no idea how that happened. Look at my picture...I have dark dark brown hairs. My brother looks like my mom's dad, may he rest in peace. While I look like my dad, even though I don't see it and still feel like the milkman's baby.

Many arguments, broken bones, sports teams, traveling and school later, my brother and I are adults. My parents are empty nesters...until I come home with Will and Grace, and then it's game on. Spending time with my family while I'm home is relaxing and needed. Work and Chicago can really distract me from being appreciative and contemplative of the blessings I have been given and have worked for in my life.

My mom has had her times...there were times I didn't know if I could look at her without wanting to tear her face off. But in the end...in the reality of it all...I respect her and thank her for my life.

Mother's are a force to be reckoned with. Their power, strength and intelligence is insurmountable. I would challenge any man/father to do half of what their wife/mother has done for them and their children without being asked or told. It is an internal, natural ebb and flow. And while I cannot see myself with children, I hope that if the blessing comes along that I can learn from my own mother and my friends who are mothers for guidance.

Current Twitter status that I wanted to share

Every time Ace of Bass comes on the radio, I turn into an awkward 12 year old again...

Moving To-Do List

With my move coming up in two weeks, I am preparing a to-do list of things that are vital to my happiness in my new apartment:

1. Buy the following items in bulk: peanut butter, bananas, cheese, wine & toothpaste

2. Carefully pack my important items, which include: Dane Cook tickets, Nuevo Vallarta tequila shot necklace & Pres. Obama memorabilia

3. Sell window AC unit, as I have finally graduated up to central air

4. Patch holes in bathroom wall that are result of NOT measuring properly before hanging

5. Give roomie the tour of the apartment she hasn't seen & hope she approves

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rain turns Chicago into London?

You know, the only time I was in London was back in the Summer 2004 while on an immersion trip with my university. Our class took British Airways, and whilst on our airplane waiting to take off, the BA pilots went on strike. True story...I was ON the plane. But alas, I am getting off track.

I suffer from migraines, and have been affected by this since I was 12 years old. My headaches also stem from barometric pressure, which is basically when the storms are coming. Well, the past 10 days have been fun. At one point, it rained off/on for 6 days in Chicago. It was NUTS!

At one point, I saw a yuppy mom with her little toddler-both wearing their wellies. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was completely cute; however, we're not in London. It made me think-"I mine as well just get some fish and chips and buy a ridiculous poncho." I'm hoping this rainy season turns into the beautiful Spring weather I love so dearly.

Plus, my hairs look awful with the wet and humid weather...so, now my hair gets to look like poo for the next 4 months with the humidity! HOORAY!