Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Reflection

The past couple days, I’ve experinced a few things that were enjoyable, refreshing and depressing all mixed into one.

Yesterday was a national holiday—Super Bowl Sunday. Instead of preparing a massive amount of gut-wadding food, I spent my afternoon going to see Spamalot with one of my best friends. I was a virgin to the show, but my friend had actually seen it in London while on family vaca a couple years ago. It was freakin’ hilarious! There were a couple of Blago quips and a reference to Beyonce’s “Put a ring on it.” And it was good to get out and see a production—especially since I miss performing myself! After the show was over, we grabbed a quick dinner and rushed home so I could see the game…or most of it.

Some of you might have noticed on Super Bowl Sunday for the past few years, Animal Planet has staged its own “Puppy Bowl.” Unlike what seems like most American families, mine didn’t focus too much attention on football. However, we had a very animal friendly house. So the puppy bowl is freaking awesome to me! I’d much rather watch puppies running around and being cute any day. Still, I found the puppy bowl a true distraction from the actual game. I lived in Phoenix after college and was rooting for the Cardinals! Here I was trying to really focus on the game, and I kept flipping back to the freaking puppy bowl and worrying the stupid poodle pup was going to get run over by the cocker spaniel.

I should have kept watching the Puppy Bowl, because my team lost. Yup, the cardinals lost it! At half time I was calling my friends back in Pahonix and heard them all at the bar drinking and hoping the 2nd half would be their redemption. And oh did redemption come with Fitzgerald’s TD with a little less than three minutes left in the game. While I was jumping around screaming at the top of my lungs and taking other phone calls from friends, I slowly realized that if the Cardinals could have scored in thirty seconds then the Steelers definitely had the time with their two plus minutes. Welp, we all know what happened.

Then, getting the company email letting everyone know who won the Super Bowl pool was awesome. I was on the top 4 winners for the losing team. But I still think I got a gift certificate for the jelly of the month club or something. If only I hadn't given up carbs...what am I going to do with 12 of the nation's best jellies and jams?

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